Tuesday, April 15, 2008

To Blog or not to blog that is the question?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:15PM

Shakespeare Said, "To be or not to be, That is the question."

I don't know how it is for you? But I do know how it is for me!
....I've always believed that if one door shuts, then another one opens...The trick is....Discerning the difference between God closing a door in your life, or being hindered and attacked by the enemy.

...That particular question I'm afraid is not so easily answered.

...It also works in the opposite direction. Did God Open this Door for me because this is the path that He would have me follow? Or Is this some kind of deceitful trick that appears to be right and very attractive but in fact, it is a pathway that leads to misery frustration and failure.

Throughout most of my life it seems that it was a natural gift that God had given me to be generous, giving, hospitable. It always came easily to me to reach out and to share. Anyone that knows me, knows that this is absolutely true, but the Bible warns us not to toot our own horn. Don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing because if you do....then you have your reward....And then there is the "Golden Rule"
....."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"

On the other hand, it was always very difficult for me to have that shoe on the other foot....That is, it was hard to be on the receiving end of anothers generosity, even though admittedly I have been there fairly often.

Pride is a deadly sin and probably one of those 7 deadly sins that vexes me the most. In otherwords, my pride has done me grievious harm the majority of my life. And again, Anyone that knows me, knows this to be absolutely true... again.

.....Why is that? Why is it so hard to receive when you know how much joy that one finds in the giving?

It must drive God mad watching us humans, the most beloved of all His creations always filled with such contradictions and stubborness in our lives.

One of the most dreaded of all my duties and most distasteful to me as a Minister was in the asking of money, or passing the offering plate. I don't know why I disliked it so much. I rarely preached on it even though there is so much in the Bible taught about the joys and necessities of giving.

Truly it is more blessed to give than to receive.

What to do? What to do?

God recently... at least I believed it to be God....Shut the door on my source of income. I can no longer conduct the business of delivering big ticket items that people purchase on the internet because after 300,000 miles, my trucks transmission is worn out and I no longer have the means to get from Point A to Point B and thereby earn enough money to not only conduct business but also operate at a profit and thereby pay the bills. That door seemingly has been shut.
I have not had the money to repair or replace my truck as of this date.

My truck is currently at a friends who is a mechanic but for whatever reason, he has not repaired it yet, so here I am, Dead in the water so to speak.

...Was this the sovereign, providential hand of God, or the thieving destructive, hateful work of our adversary who devotes an enormous amount of time and energy opposing us at every turn?

One door closes, another door opens.

...For the last four months I have had to be in the unenvyable position of having to trust God to provide for the most basic needs of my family. And miraculously time after time God comes through with just enough with very little left over. ...Praise God!

Today I've been made aware that I have until the 23rd of April to come up with a substantial amount of money for the phone bill or I lose not only my phone service, but also my internet service, and if I lose my internet service, then I also lose my ministry of testyfying and preaching as it were on this Blog website.

At this point I will employ a strategy that I have used in the past and not only I but Gideon comes to mind....Maybe some of you know the story of Gideons fleece? Or maybe not, and if not....Then look it up if you've a mind to.

And what is this fleece that I'm to lay before The Lord?

Heavenly Father....If you wish me to continue with this type of ministry then I'm going to trust that you will somehow provide just the amount necessary or intervene in some other way that I may continue to have this particular avenue open to me.

It matters not to me how you do it and I will not presume to inumerate a variety of ways for this to happen. Suffice it to say that I will be willing to move in whatever direction or walk through whatever door you choose to open.

Please pray for me that I may be able to discern what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God for my life.

Be Well & Be Blessed In The Beloved


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