April 18, 2008 - Friday 4:00PM
....................Life Is Full Of Tribulations...............
Romans 8:28 ...
....."And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
V.31b..."...If God be for us, who can be against us?
V.32..."He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things."
....Life is filled with tribulation, and the trick is,...
discerning whether the obstacles we encounter in life,...
are road blocks placed in front us by a loving Father,
that,.. sometimes,.. lovingly tries to cause us to choose a different path than the one we are on,...
or,.. whether it is a move from our adversary,
attempting to get us to take an alternative route,..
to either frustrate God's will, or cause us to rush headlong down that broad, and wide path,..
that leads to our ultimate destruction!
That is the conundrum;.....What to do?...Which Path do we take?...
Who is the engineer of this roadblock that confronts us?
Not all of us, have the Supernatural, Spiritual Gift of Discernment...
God, rarely speaks to us... in the same fashion as He Did with Moses,.. or Saul of Tarsus....?
Have you ever found yourself in this predicament?
Of course you have...And Blessed ye are,.. when you choose the right path,.. or discern the proper response.
....Unhappily today, I awoke,.. to the very frustrating reality, of having my Internet account suspended,.. due to a past due amount, owed to AT&T.
The extra frustrating part is,.. the fact,.. that we had negotiated with AT&T,..
That on the date of April 23, to pay the amount due,.. or then face having our account shut down...
Today is April 18??? And no amount, of civilized discussion,.. with the billing department...changes the present reality.
...Do you understand???... That having a conversation... with an unreasonable ,and unbending adversary,..
Is almost, frustration enough... to cause, a preacher to cuss!..
Key Phrase;... "Almost" fru.....ion enough..."
Don't worry....Fortunately,.. telepathic communication, did not apply in this conversation...
Otherwise, the lack of Expletives employed > in the actual conversation
Would have colored the air... > With A Blue Streak...#$%^&*&^%$#!
...I'm sure though,.. that there needs be,.. a repentant, contrite discussion,.. with my Paraclete, for sins of thought,..
Rather than sins,.. of deed and actuality!..
To be argued on my behalf... before that One, and Only,..
..."Righteous Judge That Matters."
What do you mean??? ...You want me to repeat that in plain English???...........................OK.............
I'm certain!.. That I have to say,.." I'm Sorry!"
..And mean it,.. and have my... (Paraclete)... Attorney/Advocate...
Present my sins Of thought!.. before Almighty God!
Who only Grants us forgiveness,.. and Pardon as a result of "TRUE REPENTANCE!"
God can Only Then... apply what Christ did, on our behalf, on the cross...
...."Without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sin."...
......There is only one mediator between God and man, The man Christ Jesus."...
Here it is in a nut shell....
.....After our attempt to have a reasonable discussion...Short of totally cussing them out....BTW....Sins of thought are just as bad as sins of deed...
("To look upon a woman with lust in your heart is the same as committing adultery!")
AT&T shut off our Internet... 5 days earlier(4/18),.. than what was a previously negotiated (4/23) mutual agreement....
Now for the faithful readers,.. of this completely Novice Blog Artist,..
I shared with you in a previous posting,.. that I would be placing a fleece, as it were, before the Lord!..
To discern,.. whether or not,.. this was an avenue of ministry,.. that He, would have me to continue or pursue?..
..As of this date,.. The answer to that question, is still not known???
....I'm not even sure?...If I will be able to post Today's writings?..
.I'll know the answer to that question in a few moments...
....The discussion that I've had with Beth is,..
That she seems to think, that I should be able to continue to Post on this site, and, on my; MY SPACE URL,..
But, we won't have access to our E-Mail on SBCGlobal.net???
I dunno yet???
We do however, have a free E-Mail account on Yahoo,
Its one we've had, since we first took that Gi-Normous leap into the computer age, years ago.
I hope that one is still usable?...if not!
I'll try and find,.. some way to communicate our new contact info,.. until God makes a way for us to be restored to good standing with AT&T???
Another alternative,.. that we've been kicking around, is signing on with a new provider... at a much cheaper rate...
...FYI...Just in case someone might think that we are planning on skipping out on AT&T?.....NOT!!!!!!!
I'm sure God wouldn't add His blessing to that kind of strategy....!
Our E-Mail Address on Yahoo is as follows;
So.....Just Please Pray, and then Pray some more...
...God never promised us, > That a life dedicated to his service,.. would be easy....And trust me... when I say,
That The tribulations that we encounter,.. in this hugely blessed, and prosperous country we live in here,..
In the good Ole US of A... Is nothing, compared to what our Brethren,.. in other parts of the world,.. deal with on a daily Basis...
We should be ashamed, and embarrassed, over what we consider to be life's difficulties....Relatively speaking that is.
At this point, let me just express my gratitude... to all of you... that have commented, and encouraged me in my writings.
I know, that I am quite the amateur,.. when it comes to following the proper way of formatting,.. and many other rules,.. that I'm surely not following... as far as professional authorship is concerned...
...I know my grammar sucks, and I tend to chase a lot of rabbits when I tell a story....I can only imagine how frustrating it is to follow whatever it is,.. that I'm attempting to communicate, on any given day.
....Just like many other areas of my life,.. my writing is totally subjective to my emotions,.. and how I am feeling,.. when I sit down to task...
So again, Thank you for your support, and patronage...I only hope and Pray that God allows me to continue, helps me to improve in my writing skills!..
And that, those of you that happen across my feeble attempts to communicate through this medium,.. are impacted in such a way,.. that brings Glory to God!!!
And also, helps you along your way,.. as we are "FELLOW TRAVELERS" on this incredible journey,.. in what can only be best described...
As a "GIFT" from God,.. that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with....
....We know it and call it ...."LIFE"...!
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