The past two days have been filled with depressing tribulation as I have been trying over and over again to set up an autobiographical profile on my dashboard and not having much success in editing my profile.
They only give you enough room for 1200 characters, and the about me portion, that I was trying to write, and then edit down to 1200 characters, has become an impossible task.
I am exhausted and at my wits end. Frustrated beyond words, with very little time and energy left to post a blog.
My solution to this dillemma, is an attempt to cut, and paste, all of what I consider to be very valuable text. Text that I have spent the better part of the day writing and pasting back and forth.
I will have overcome todays tribulation only... If I am succesful, and my bio appears below...If not then you will know that todays tribulation has been more than this poor computer illiterate soul could produce.
Alas, tomorrow is another day.
Born in 1958 Scottish,Welsh, Irish, & Cherokee heritage the grandson of an apallachian coal miner on Dad's side, grandson of a Baptist Preacher on Mom's side.
I Grew up with the assasinations of the Kennedy brothers, Malcom X, & Dr. Martin Luther King.
Rock & Roll music with Elvis The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show. Woodstock With Jimmy Hendrix Janice Joplin & The rest of the gang,
The age of Hippies & Flower power, The sexual revolution, Drug experimentation, LSD & Timothy O'Leary.
The inexplicable, unexcusable Vietnam War with thousands of flag draped coffins and daily newscasts of horrific battle scenes. God Bless Those young men and their families that sacrificed it all because we asked them to.
The Kent State Massacre.
& Watching man walk on the moon.
My parents divorced at age 10 and my life was changed forever! I lost my Innocence in the midst of living in some of the most tumultous times in modern history.
A Baby Boomer 60's child. God's hand was upon me.
Shortly after the divorce, My Dad moved away down South and my mother abandoned us.
She ran away to Mich. with the man that would become an abusive Stepfather.
My Mamaw & Papaw Hudson took us in... until my mother came back, and moved us from Southern Ohio (Franklin), to Kalamazoo Mich.
Life spiraled downward, and we were exposed to a dysfunctional, insane, Abusive life style. Alcoholism, Drug abuse, domestic verbal & physical violence were staples in that early household.
Porn Pocket Books & Mags filled the family library.
I went from exceptional academics & excelling in sports, to becoming a teenage drug addict, & alcoholic.
I was befriended by a black homosexual pedophile at age 14, and thats all I have to say about that!
Dealing drugs for my stepfather in Jr. High I became an Oliver Twist style thief so that I and my siblings would have what most children today have come to expect as a right.
Mom & Step Dad Ron squandered our welfare checks and food stamps on their party hardy lifestyle at the local Pub.... Don't judge them too harshly though, as later in their lives God saved their souls and changed them into 2 of the most beautiful Christian Ministers of the Gospel I have had the privilege of knowing... That's another story for another time.
Their was two significant life changing events that happened to me, after I left home.
I was 16 years young and hell bent for destruction & doom.
I met the Bride of my Youth after dropping out of High school & taking a job at a soda fountain style restaurant, at Walgreen's Drug store, downtown. I was a bus boy and washed dishes.
I met Beth Edmonds at a table there when she came in with a carload of her Girlfriends. They were ditching class and I thought she was the hottest foxiest most Beautiful girl that I had ever laid eyes on. It was truly Love at first sight. I had been "TWITTERPATED!
It was two days later we found ourselves in a jewelry store picking out our engement and wedding rings. I have no idea what she seen in me. I was a frizzy headed long haired hippie freak with a missing front tooth.
Her parents must have been mortified when she brought me home to meet them. I'm sure they wondered what the cat had drug in and even though she told me much later that her Dad often tried to discourage her from taking up with me, It was Mom and Dad Edmonds that took me in and loved me unconditionally.
It was in the Edmonds home that I found out what it meant to have parents that loved their children the way that God intended. The next two years I was loved, treated to several family vacations, even Disney world, Family Christmas parties, Birthday dinners and many other wonderful family activities that I had not known or experienced since I was very very young.
Mom & Dad Edmonds became that Mom and Dad that may have very well have saved my young life. Beth and I were married at the tender age of 18 April 16, 1977.
The second Thing that altered my life forever happened on April 12, 1981 In Deridder, Louisiana. "I BECAME A CHILD OF GOD!"
I left my young wife and 2yr old daughter Aimee behind in Kalamazoo, while I tried to seek my fortune, find adventure, and escape the law, in the oilfields of Louisiana.
An amazing thing happened though three weeks after I landed In Deridder Louisiana... that Sunday morning in April, I walked into that last day revival meeting, at Texas Avenue Baptist Church, Two blocks down the street from where I lived, with my uncle Barry and the now suddenly Deceased, Doug Tuttle, 20 years young!!!
Poisoned by the same drink... of white lightning, we had shared together, a few days earlier.
Ashamed, shy and very embarrassed, I walked into that Church a few minutes before the service was over.
The Pastor, Hollis Roberts, was giving an invitation... to any who would,
to turn from their lost lives....
... to Jesus, the "Light of The World"...
At That moment, I was transported from the vestibule
and floated down that center aisle.
I asked God, to forgive me all my wicked sins, and save my lost soul.
I was sick and tired of living as a slave to my addictions, and sick appetites.
I wanted to be delivered, and I wanted to live a new & better life.
Suddenly, the weight of the world lifted off of my grieving battered soul.... and I was filled with inexplicable joy and happiness.
I knew in my heart, and felt it in my body and soul....
that my wicked wretched miserable horrid slate had been wiped clean.
God heard my petition, and granted to me a new and better life.
A life worth living... a life with a purpose.... HALLELUJAH!
I truly had been born again.!!!!
Wow, was my bride ever surprised,... when she got that phone call later that afternoon,
her wild crazy dope dealing criminal of a husband called her and... Declared, that he was now a 100% Bonafide Jesus freak.
Her life and the life of our child were changed at that moment forever.
God brought true REVIVAL to that little church that day.
I was on fire for the Lord, and began to bring everyone I could,
to that same loving Savior, that so willingly, and freely accepted a poor & miserable wretch like me. The change in me was so drastic... my conversion experience,
was so dramatic,
it was infectious,
contagious, that just about everyone that was in the realm of my influence,
wanted what I had found.
That tiny Church, Baptized more new converts that year,
than they ever had in their history.
6 months later I surrendered to Gods call on my life to Preach the Gospel,
and Texas Avenue Baptist Church, Pastor Roberts, the deacons, elders & the members of that church examined me,
and extended to me a license to preach and practice the Gospel Ministry of The Lord Jesus.
And you will have to follow my Blogs to get the rest of the story
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Even though I myself shared this life with you, I am so fascinated hearing it again and again. I am so proud of you for all the things you have overcome in our 30 plus years together. I am also proud that you are willing and wanting to share your lifestory, our lifestory, with everyone that happens acrossed your blog. I feel in my heart and soul that this is the beginning to an all new adventure for us. I encourage all who read this blog, to continue to come back often and leave comments as to how it affects you and also encourage Michael to continue writing each and every day. Michael, I thank God for you each and everyday. I love you unconditionally!
Dad, I am so proud of you for laying down your pride and sharing yourself, the good bad and ugly, with the world. Do not let obstacles keep you from doing the Lord's work any longer. I am excited to see the chains of bondage in your life be miraculously broken once again. And I welcome back the father of my youth with open arms, enthusiastic anticipation and great expectation.
It feels great to have the support and encouragement of the most important people in your life.
That of course is your family. When all is said and done, and the dust settles...If all their family. then that is enough. I feel so blessed for the ones that God Himself ordained to spend time on this planet with me and I get to claim them as my very own and especially for the woman that he gave me and has stuck by me, supported me and loved me always for 30 + years, no matter how bad I've blown it. Thank You for the kind words.
Dear Michael,
I am a friend of Aimee and Joe. We go to the same church. I wanted to let you know that your testimony in this post ministered to my soul. It's so easy for me to forget how able God is to turn the life of a sinner around like he did for you when you were a young man. You have encouraged me to share the gospel, and reminded me that we serve a powerful God who breaks the power of sin in people's lives, cleanses them, and sets them on the narrow path that leads to life. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
-Seth Rodriquez
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