Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Newbie at Blogging & Feeling Like an Idiot!!!

I am not sure if blogging is going to qualify as TRIBULATION, but setting up everything before you get started writing sure has seemed like it.
I still have quite a bit of work to do on my template and profile, but I have been chomping at the bit to get started, so I decided that I could edit the rest later. And I will!

I have been greatly inspired by the Left Behind series of books by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins and thus the name of my Blog was born. Maybe I'll change the name at a later Date. Or Not! The name may become more appropriate in the very near future.....I guess you need to be a student of New Testament Prophecy to get a grip on that concept. Having read the "Left Behind" books would be helpful too.

One thing I am certain of though, is that this world is sorely in need of, right now, modern day "Tribulation Force" Individuals. We had better start now setting up a network of provisions for everyday necessities and commodities as all of the aparatus is already in place to bring us to that total fulfillment of Eschatological prophesy that says that the Mark of the Beast will be instituted and that no person shall be able to buy or sell unless they have that Damnable Mark.

Only a blind man would deny that we are day by day exponentially getting nearer and nearer to that time in history when we will have a one world church, government, and currency.

The "LEFT BEHIND" Series is supposedly based in fantasy, but my question for you to Ponder is........"IS IT REALLY?"

(To be Continued)

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