Tuesday, December 30, 2008


..."Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."...

..."For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall apear, and not lie:  Though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."...  {HABBAKKUK 2:2-3}

{PROVERBS 29:18}  ..."Where there is no vision, the people perish:"...

...The reason that I chose the name "TRIBULATION FORCE"   for my Blog, comes from the inspiration I received ... reading the Best Seller series of books, "Left Behind", by Tim LaHaye, and Jerry B. Jenkins.

Even though, the books are labeled as fiction, the premise of the story is based on a particular interpretation of Biblical Prophecy and how the end of days may play out.

    Contained within the story is how a group of Christians band together and call themselves the Tribulation Force...Their purpose is to establish a network of believers who have banded themselves together to fight against the forces of darkness and to provide protection and practical resources for the people of God that are relying on God and one another for the advancement of God's Kingdom on the Earth and ultimately to the saving of souls for God's eternal Kingdom as Prophesied in The Holy Bible of the Judeo Christian Faith.

...The vision that I believe that God has birthed in me, in large part was inspired by these Left Behind books...

...It is my belief, that the time of Jesus' return is very near and the need for preperation is immediate...

Whether Jesus returns withinin the next few years or sooner...or a hundred years from now, the scriptures implores us us to live our lives each day as if Jesus was returning for us tomorrow...

God has...I believe given me a tremendous vision for ministering to our world now and in the process prepare us for the future in the event that we truly do find ourselves in need of a Tribulation Force Style network of believers to enable us to survive on a practical day to day basis!

   The fact of the matter is, That God desires us in the here and now to be the New Testament Church that we read about in the Bible...

It's a sad reality though, that I believe we as a Church today, major on the minors, and minor on the majors...

At this juncture in my life, I must point out the one truth that I have painfully learned through the principal that the lessons that we learn from the mistakes we've made...unfortunately turn out to be amongst the most important lessons that we ever learn in this life...

...What lesson am I referring to???

...Our first and foremost ministry and the most important ministry that we have above all others, is to our families...ie; immediate family, our spouse, and children, grandchildren first, then our parents, siblings etc.

There  are many scriptures that bear out this truth, such as ..."If we do not care and provide for the members of our own house, then we are worse than an infidel..."
"If we cannot manage the members of our own household, then how can we manage the house of God?"  These are just a few amongst many but the truth is that Gods Love and truths must be evident at home first lest all of our other efforts at being Gods ambassodors are merely acts of  futility, full of hypocrisy and lies.

...If you are at all familiar with the "Left Behind" Story and the characters...You must notice that its greatest tragedies and triumphs revolve around the different families and the ones that are lost, and the ones that are saved.

...The real point that I'm trying to convey is that I believe that God has Given me a vision for lives that are well lived, full of promise, purpose, direction and hope...

...And I believe that vision is best served, and carried out beginning within my own family...[Jerusalem] and then, Judea, Samaria, and then the uttermost parts of the world...

...My biggest fear though, is that because of the many mistakes and failures in my life...I'm not sure my family would be willing to follow???

...All I can say Though...The scripture has exhorted me to write the vision and make it plain, so that those that read it, can understand it and then make their own choice as to whether or not to follow?

...So I will Frame this vision or plan if you will within the context of in a "Perfect World!"

May God Add His Blessing and to Him Be The Glory For Whatever Fruit Be Born From It...


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